What is TBQ and TSQ? Meaning & Importance Explained

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The stock market can be overwhelming for new traders due to the abundance of unfamiliar terms and concepts. TBQ and TSQ are one of those confusing terms. When I first started learning about the stock market, I didn’t understand the terms TBQ and TSQ.

However, I fully understand TBQ and TSQ in the share market after some research. And I would like to explain these terms in a simplified way to you. So in this blog post, we will discuss TBQ and TSQ, TBQ meaning in share market, etc. Let’s begin.

What is TBQ?

TBQ stands for “Total Buy Quantity” and refers to the total number of shares bought during a specific period. This is an important metric to track as it can indicate the level of buying pressure for a particular stock, which can signify bullish sentiment. In Zerodha, we can see this under market depth.

tbq meaning

As shown in the above image, there are two sections once you click on market depth, Bid and Offer. Let’s first understand the Bid section: Total Buy Quantity or Total Bid Quantity.

In the above image, the Total Bid Quantity (TBQ) for the stock Tata Steel is 2,81,984. This number represents the total number of shares of Tata Steel that traders can purchase.

The above image shows the top 5 prices at which orders are traded for Tata Steel stock. Clicking on “View 20 Depth” will display the top 20 prices and the number of orders in the queue.

What is TSQ?

TSQ stands for Total Sell Quantity, or Total Offer Quantity, in the stock market. It is the opposite of Total Buy Quantity (TBQ) and represents the total number of shares being offered for sale on the stock exchange.


This is the same image referred to in the explanation of Total Buy Quantity (TBQ). However, instead of focusing on the Bid section, we will now focus on the Offer section concerning Total Sell Quantity (TSQ).

As we can see from the above image, the Total Sell Quantity (TSQ) for the stock Tata Steel is 5,57,274. This number represents the total number of shares of Tata Steel that are currently being offered for sale on the stock exchange.

As with the Total Buy Quantity (TBQ), by clicking on “View 20 Depth” in this section, it will display the top 20 prices at which shares of Tata Steel are being offered for sale, as well as the number of shares available at each price.

Now that we have a clear understanding of what is TBQ and TSQ are in the stock market, including the tbq meaning in share market, you may be wondering how these figures change. Let’s explore this further.

How do TBQ and TSQ change?

Several factors can influence Total Buy Quantity (TBQ) and Total Sell Quantity (TSQ) in the stock market. However, one of the most significant factors is the relationship between demand and supply. As demand for a stock increases, TBQ will also increase, and as the supply of a stock increases, TSQ will also increase, and vice versa.

Volatility in the stock market can also impact Total Buy Quantity (TBQ) and Total Sell Quantity (TSQ). As market conditions and investor sentiment shift, the number of shares being bought and sold can fluctuate, leading to changes in TBQ and TSQ.

For example, if positive news is released about Tata Steel, it could increase the stock’s price. This price increase indicates strong demand for the stock, causing more shares to be purchased (increase in TBQ) and more shares to be sold (increase in TSQ). Therefore the sum of TBQ and TSQ will be greater than before the news.

Many people believe that stock prices increase or decrease due to changes in demand and supply in the market, but this is only part of the story. Many other factors can influence stock prices, such as: 

  • Economic Factors 
  • Company financials 
  • Industry trends 
  • Political and regulatory developments 
  • Global events -Market sentiment

So, while demand and supply are important factors affecting stock prices, they are not the only ones.

Now that we have a comprehensive understanding of TBQ and TSQ and tbq meaning in share market let’s explore their importance in the share market.

Importance of TBQ and TSQ in the Stock Market

The Total Buy Quantity(TBQ) and Total Sell Quantity(TSQ) are also known as the bid-ask volume, representing the number of shares being offered to buy at the bid price and the number of shares being offered to sell at the asking price, respectively.

The bid-ask (tbq and tsq) spread helps to understand how easily a trader can buy or sell a stock. The bid is the highest price someone is willing to pay for a stock, while someone is willing to sell at the lowest price, also known as the asking price. The difference between these ask and bid prices is called the spread.

tbq and tsq

A smaller spread means that it’s easy to buy or sell the stock at a fair price, while a more extensive spread means that there may be less demand or supply for the stock. Stocks that are part of the Nifty and Sensex are usually very liquid, meaning that there are many buyers and sellers, so their bid-ask spread will be small.

The bid-ask (tbq and tsq) spread is a way to tell if a stock is easy to buy or sell. When the spread is small, it’s easy to buy or sell the stock at a fair price. When the spread is large, buying or selling the stock at a reasonable price may be more complex. If the bid-ask spread is narrow, it’s best to use a market order to sell or buy the stock. But if the spread is wide, a limit order is a better choice.

TTQ meaning in share market?

TTQ stands for Total Traded Quantity. It is a measure of how many shares of stock have been bought and sold in a day. It is the sum of the total number of shares that have been bought (Total Buy Quantity) and the total number of shares that have been sold (Total Sell Quantity). 

It gives an idea of how actively a stock is being traded. A high TTQ means a lot of buying and selling activity for that stock, while a low TTQ means less activity.

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The Total Buy Quantity and Total Sell Quantity are essential parameters of a stock’s liquidity and trading activity. They represent the number of shares offered to buy at the bid price and the number of shares offered to sell at the asking price. 

A high Total Buy Quantity and Total Sell Quantity suggest high trading activity and liquidity in the stock, while a low Total Buy Quantity and Total Sell Quantity suggest low trading activity and liquidity. Understanding these concepts can help investors make more informed decisions when buying and selling stocks. 

However, It’s important to note that traders should not rely solely on these parameters when making trading decisions. They should also consider other factors, such as market trends, price structure, etc.

I hope the above information has helped you understand the concept of Total Buy Quantity (TBQ) and Total Sell Quantity (TSQ) in the stock market also tbq meaning in share market. Let me know your thought in the comment section.

FAQ related to tbq meaning in share market

What is mean by tbq and tsq in stock market?

TBQ stands for Total Buy Quantity, and TSQ stands for Total Sell Quantity.

TBQ meaning in share market in Hindi?

TBQ का मतलब शेयर बाजार में कुल खरीद मात्रा होता है.

Full form of TSQ?

TSQ full form is Total Sell Quantity.

Happy Learning 😊 & Happy Trading 😊.


An aspiring Finance student became obsessed with the stock market and decided to help beginners learn about it more easily. Created a website that would provide strategies and technical knowledge on how to get started in the stock market.

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